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Choosing GPO Lawyers and Law Firms for Your Group Purchasing Organization in Lakewood Colorado

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GPO Lawyers in Lakewood Colorado – Choosing the Best GPO Lawyer for Your GPO (Group Purchasing Organization) in Lakewood CO is Critical to Managing Risk Effectively

Looking for GPO lawyers in Lakewood Colorado to represent your Lakewood CO based GPO and you don’t know where to start and although there are many lawyers generally available, you are probably finding very few GPO lawyers in Lakewood CO that specialize in legal representation specifically for GPO’s in Lakewood Colorado

If you are not based in Lakewood Colorado and you are interested in finding information on our services and a list of pertinent resources in your state please click here.

Assessing GPO lawyers for your GPO in Lakewood Colorado

You are assessing GPO lawyers in Colorado for your Lakewood CO GPO, perhaps based in one of Lakewood Colorado’s metropolitan areas such as Lakewood CO, and you are struggling to set the criteria for the selection of a GPO law firm or GPO lawyer in Lakewood Colorado to assist in the organization and operation of the GPO, but you realize that this is a critical decision so it can’t be taken lightly. You might be surprised to hear you are not alone. Many struggle with this same issue. While there are many highly qualified business lawyers available in most states Lakewood Colorado included, very few of them have experience in all the areas of law that a group purchasing or GPO is not only likely to encounter, but where the nuances of a GPO impacts the application of the law and the many instruments required for risk mitigation. Simply put, there are very few experienced GPO lawyers in Lakewood Colorado or any other state for that matter in existence and sacrificing this experience when choosing your GPO lawyer or GPO law firm for your Lakewood Colorado based GPO can prove to be catastrophic when you can least afford it. This isn’t hard to understand when you merely look at how few GPO’s there are in Lakewood CO, let alone the rest of The United States, comparatively speaking when looking at total registered businesses overall.

The reason most lawyers including those in Lakewood Colorado don’t have the experience required to offer professional legal advice and representation to GPO’s is that there aren’t enough GPO lawyers in Lakewood CO or throughout the U.S. to provide the necessary experience any law firm or lawyer requires to do so professionally. This experience is reserved for the few who specialize in helping GPOs navigate the complex field of law related to their organizational requirements.

Further, when starting a group purchasing in Lakewood Colorado or organizing your first Lakewood CO based GPO, it is helpful to retain an experienced GPO lawyer and law firm for your Lakewood Colorado group so you can address all of these issues from the start, saving you time, money and aggravation you very well may incur later on in dealing with the unintended consequences of choosing legal counsel for your buying group without consideration for the long list of requirements buying groups and GPO’s in Lakewood Colorado need to account for that may be slightly, or materially different from those requirements one would consider when starting a standard company or non-profit in Lakewood Colorado.

Ray Law Firm specializes in GPO legal representation with experience representing national GPO in multiple industries and across multiple states and countries including those headquartered in Colorado.

From GPO startups, to mature group purchasing organizations and buying groups, we can help you navigate legal matters no matter your location of origin. Remember, you need to choose a GPO lawyer and law firm for their experience, not their proximity to any one of your locations. As group purchasing representation most always crosses state lines, you need a competent GPO lawyer more than you need a Lakewood Colorado GPO lawyer. Inevitably any lawyer you choose to represent your group will need to have national experience to provide the best possible legal representation. The Ray Law Firm as your GPO law firm for Lakewood Colorado has just that!

Let’s investigate the areas of law any GPO lawyer needs to have to offer professional advice to your group purchasing organization (GPO).

One of the very first considerations you need to address after choosing the right GPO lawyer for your Lakewood Colorado GPO is what to brand your group in terms of a name and graphical brand representation, and that always requires a Lakewood Colorado, as well as a national tradename search to ensure you aren’t violating other organizations trademarks and copyright. You can click the link below to access Lakewood Colorado and national based information to see if your desired name has already been registered. You can also click through to the USTPO website and search nationally registered trademarks as well. However, doing the search for exact matches is only part of the process, you can always rely on The Ray Law Firm to help in more nuanced searches to see if your desired name or mark is too close to another’s garnering scrutiny requiring further correspondence and legal challenges. Competent GPO lawyer representing Lakewood Colorado based GPOs with mature Trademark and Copyright practices can more easily, and cost effectively help you navigate the branding and trademarking process.

Click here for Lakewood Colorado based resources for your group purchasing or GPO

Colorado Secretary of State Office
1700 Broadway #550
Denver, CO 80290
Phone: (303) 894-2200

Colorado – https://www.sos.state.co.us/


Further, one of the other important pieces of information that may be valuable to your Lakewood based GPO members coming out of the starting line would be the sales tax impact to their clients as they operate within city limits that may have alternative sales tax requirements from the state or other area numbers. Please see below for the Lakewood area sales tax information

Lakewood, Colorado – 7.50%

GPO Lawyers, and GPO Law Firms Serving Lakewood Colorado - The Necessary Experience any GPO Lawyer, Lawyers or Law Firms Representing a GPO in Lakewood Colorado Needs to Offer Professional Legal Advice and Representation to Lakewood Colorado Based Groups and GPO’s

When it comes to GPO lawyers in Lakewood Colorado for your CO GPO or CO based GPO you need to assess their experience in many areas including distribution law, antitrust law, franchise law, product liability law, intellectual property law, information technology law, employment law, securities law, tax law, commercial and bankruptcy law as well as general contract law, as these areas of law represents the majority of advice and representation you will be seeking when you retain legal representation from a GPO lawyer.  Each of these areas of law impacts buying groups in specific ways that even lawyers with deep expertise in any one of them might not have dealt with in their practice.  On this point there is no compromise, you need the complete package of experience, not just a sampling. When it comes to buying groups, GPOs, and the law you can’t have gaps, you need to know your interests are protected, top to bottom, and that requires an experienced buying group or GPO lawyer.

Examples taken from each of these areas of law will be helpful to illustrate the complexities GPO and buying groups and GPO’s present. 

GPO Lawyers, and GPO Law Firms Serving Lakewood Colorado GPO’s, and Distribution Law

Because many GPOs in Lakewood Colorado are involved in the distribution of products, you need to ensure any GPO lawyer or law firm you consider has experience in Distribution Law. This goes for Lakewood Colorado GPO Lawyers or Legal Counsel from any state representing your Lakewood Colorado based buying group or GPO

Complicating matters further, and in most cases, the group purchasing or GPO is not directly in the chain of title of the product.  The contracts with the approved vendors of the GPO and buying group need to be carefully crafted to avoid having the group become unintentionally liable for the purchases of its members, yet to have the vendor be responsible for indemnifying the group against third party claims and other damages involving the sale of its products.  Several other fine points require different treatment of the group legally speaking, from that of the typical distributor customer of a vendor, must also be considered.

GPO Lawyers, and GPO Law Firms Serving Lakewood Colorado GPO’s, and Antitrust Law

In Lakewood Colorado, choosing the right GPO lawyer for your group purchasing organization and buying group among GPO lawyers representing Lakewood Colorado based organizations is critical in mitigating risk from antitrust scrutiny.  Section 1 of the Sherman Act pertains to conspiracies to restrain trade.  A conspiracy requires the involvement of two or more actors.  In many instances, a GPO and buying group will not be considered as a single actor, but rather a group of actors consisting of two or more of its members.  This is especially true if the group is owned by and governed by its members.  Ironically, however, the more integrated a group is and the more engaged it is in taking risks and making profit, the more likely it will be viewed as a single actor.  Areas of concern in the antitrust field for buying groups include price fixing, territory, customer or product allocations, boycotts, and price discrimination.  The complexion, structure of ownership and method of operations of each buying group or GPO, brings its own unique set of issues to the realm of antitrust law thus requiring a GPO lawyer that has experience in, and an understanding of, the finer nuances of your buying group and it’s processes. That requires deep buying group representation experience, experience Ray Law Firm has, and can proudly bring to your Lakewood Colorado based buying group or GPO.

GPO Lawyers, and GPO Law Firms Serving Lakewood Colorado GPO’s and Franchise Law

When it comes to choosing your GPO or GPO lawyer in Lakewood CO, or law firm specializing in GPO and buying groups, whether it be in Lakewood Colorado or elsewhere, you need to make sure that any potential candidate, or law firm, has not only distribution law and antitrust law experience, you need to make sure they are well versed in franchise law.

To come within the definition of a franchise, these three elements must exist:  (1) a fee is charged to the participants; (2) a trademark is licensed to the participants; and (3) significant marketing assistance or control is provided to and/or exercised over the participants.  Many GPO and buying groups who provide marketing programs can unwittingly fall into the trap of being classified as a franchise.  In some states, that can open the group up to significant penalties and make it much more difficult to terminate members.  There are several exclusions and exemptions that apply to the definition of a franchise that can be beneficial to a group seeking to avoid this tangled web of regulations.  To be effective, the buying group’s legal counsel representing the Lakewood Colorado based GPO needs to be aware of these franchise issues.

In Lakewood Colorado GPO Lawyers, and Their Law Firms Must Have Experience in Product Liability Law

When it comes to GPO and buying group or GPO lawyers representing GPO and buying groups in Lakewood Colorado, and their law firms, one of the most important areas of law they need experience in, is product liability law.  If a defective product of a group approved vendor could inflict death, personal injury, or property damage, it is possible that the group could be named as a defendant in a product liability lawsuit in Lakewood Colorado or elsewhere.  There are several steps the group can take in advance to limit its exposure to product liability.  Appropriate indemnity provisions should be included in the contracts of the vendors and the members, along with provisions requiring sufficient insurance coverage and the furnishing of insurance certificates.  Due to the uniqueness of the group dynamics, the indemnity provisions typically found in supply contracts will need to be modified by the buying group lawyer or law firm to fit the circumstances of the group. Therefor in addition to the above-mentioned areas of law any GPO lawyer or law firm serving Lakewood CO, and potentially representing your GPO and buying group or GPO, must have experience in product liability as it pertains specifically to buying groups and GPOs.

GPO Lawyers, and GPO Law Firms Serving Lakewood Colorado GPO’s, and Information Technology Law

Choosing among GPO lawyers in Lakewood Colorado for your organization means closing the legal gaps, and in no other area of law do we see an exponentially growing need for not only GPO and buying group or GPO lawyers serving Lakewood CO with experience in information technology law, but all lawyers. From IT related service platforms to the use of Generative AI that might bind or place risk on the group itself, you need representation with experience to ensure risk mitigation.

An increasingly growing number of group purchasing organizations and buying groups in Lakewood Colorado and elsewhere are discovering the economies of presenting IT solutions for their membership to share.  Examples of such IT programs include a database of product images and descriptions that members can draw from in compiling product catalogs, a common online product ordering system, and a data warehouse that tracks all the purchases and sales of each member.  The contracts with the third parties who provide such IT solutions are usually written on two levels.  One is with the group itself and then there is a separate contract for the individual members to sign in order to avail themselves of the program (sometimes referred to as an End User Agreement).  On occasion, an IT vendor might attempt to bundle these contract considerations into one agreement with the group, thinking that the group has the power to bind its individual members contractually.  Such is seldom the case.  Having a working knowledge of information technology law is important for buying group counsel as it negotiates through the various provisions in a contract that do not pertain to a group or are adverse to its best interests.

GPO Lawyers, and GPO Law Firms Serving Lakewood Colorado GPO’s, and Intellectual Property Law

Having a GPO lawyer or law firm with experience in intellectual property law is critical when it comes to private labelling and exclusive branding opportunities. One of the big advantages that come with the purchasing power of a group purchasing organization and buying group is having the opportunity to develop a private label or exclusive brand product program for the members. Not only does the exclusive brand program enable group members to better manage and control warranty claims on the products sold by them, but often manufacturers will give a greater discount on goods that do not reflect the manufacturer’s brand.  Also, if a private label program facilitates changing approved vendors for a given line of goods that are sold under the group’s brand, such change is a seamless transition as far as the end users are concerned.  They have no idea it even happened. 

Additionally, many group purchasing organizations and buying groups have marketing programs for their members.  By identifying their businesses with a common trademark, the members can appear to be part of a national or superregional chain of stores.  In both examples, registering the trademarks or service marks involved is essential.  Keeping control of the trademarks through licensing agreements is equally important.  A group purchasing organization and buying group needs legal counsel experienced in intellectual property law to guide and help manage it through these various legal nuances.  A typical trademark lawyer who does not understand how group purchasing organizations and buying groups function might overlook and miss some important pieces of the overall puzzle.

GPO Lawyers, and GPO Law Firms Serving Lakewood Colorado GPO’s, and Employment Law

As groups mature and grow, so does the number of their staff, and the need for the professional services of an experienced GPO lawyer.  Personnel changes, particularly involuntary termination of employees, requires guidance of experienced counsel.  Group purchasing organizations and buying groups should have a well thought out and well documented program to follow in each step of the employment process.  Counsel can assist the group in preparing or reviewing their forms for employment applications, employment agreements (which typically contain confidentiality and non-disclosure provisions), employee handbook, employment policies, and separation agreements.  While it is true that for the most part there is little difference in the types of issues that arise in buying groups as opposed to other companies, nevertheless, it is helpful for the group to have legal counsel with a good working knowledge of employment law, rather than having to turn to other counsel adding complexity to a process that can be easily handled by competent GPO lawyers.

GPO Lawyers, and GPO Law Firms Serving Lakewood Colorado GPO’s, and Securities Law

For Lakewood Colorado groups which are owned by their members, having competent GPO lawyer who understand federal and state securities laws as they apply to group purchasing organizations and buying groups and GPO’s nationally as well as within Lakewood Colorado, and specifically pertaining to how and when members acquire ownership in the group, is essential.  The higher the cost of the buy-in, the more important compliance with those laws is.   In most cases, the new member will qualify as an “accredited investor” under SEC Rule 501 of Regulation D.3.  Such status greatly reduces the amount of paperwork required to comply with the securities laws.  It is important for legal counsel to make sure that accredited investor status of each new owner is well documented and that such shareholder provides an investment letter to further protect the group.

GPO Lawyers, and GPO Law Firms Serving Lakewood Colorado GPO’s, and Tax Law

When the group is first established, careful consideration should be given as to whether it wishes to be a tax-paying entity, such as a C corporation, or whether it wishes to be a tax pass-through entity, such as a limited liability company.  Yet another choice is to be a T corporation, which is especially designed for co-operatives.  Groups are seldom able to qualify as S Corporations because many of their shareholders are corporations.  There are highly complex and sophisticated (many have said, non-sensical) tax laws to be taken into account in making such decisions.  Unless, the group’s counsel is a high-level tax expert, he or she would do well to consult with one in order to provide the group the advice most advantageous for it.

Lakewood Colorado GPO Lawyers, and GPO Law Firms Serving Colorado GPO’s, and Bankruptcy Law

Let’s face it, even the most careful screening of prospective members and vendors cannot prevent one or more from going insolvent or bankrupt and having a competent GPO lawyer or firm on retainer will prove invaluable during these trying times.  Regarding members, the best type of security is for the group to always owe the member more than the member owes the group.  If the group has a central billing program, i.e., an arrangement in which the supplier bills the group, the group bills and collects from its members and then pays the supplier, the possibility of the member owing the group more than the group owes it, becomes very real.  Any group purchasing lawyer you may be considering needs to have a good working knowledge of commercial law and  what is needed to secure and perfect the group’s rights in any additional collateral furnished by the member to protect the group, should the member be unable to pay its debt to the group.  If the member goes into bankruptcy, it is often difficult and expensive for the group to have the trustee to release the member’s ownership rights in the group.  Having the right security and the right leverage is critical at that point in time.  Another bankruptcy trap to navigate is when a supplier goes bankrupt.  The trustee will likely seek to recover rebates paid to the group during the 90-day “preference period” leading up to the filing date of the bankruptcy as preference payments.  Having knowledgeable buying group or GPO lawyers will enable the group to assert defenses available to such claims with result that they can be drastically reduced in settlement or even eliminated altogether.

Lakewood Colorado GPO Lawyers, and GPO Law Firms Serving Lakewood Colorado GPO’s, and Commercial and Bankruptcy Law

Let’s face it, even the most careful screening of prospective members and vendors cannot prevent one or more from going insolvent or bankrupt and having a competent GPO lawyer or firm on retainer will prove invaluable during these trying times.  Regarding members, the best type of security is for the group to always owe the member more than the member owes the group.  If the group has a central billing program, i.e., an arrangement in which the supplier bills the group, the group bills and collects from its members and then pays the supplier, the possibility of the member owing the group more than the group owes it, becomes very real.  Any GPO lawyer you may be considering needs to have a good working knowledge of commercial law and  what is needed to secure and perfect the group’s rights in any additional collateral furnished by the member to protect the group, should the member be unable to pay its debt to the group.  If the member goes into bankruptcy, it is often difficult and expensive for the group to have the trustee to release the member’s ownership rights in the group.  Having the right security and the right leverage is critical at that point in time.  Another bankruptcy trap to navigate is when a supplier goes bankrupt.  The trustee will likely seek to recover rebates paid to the group during the 90-day “preference period” leading up to the filing date of the bankruptcy as preference payments.  Having knowledgeable group purchasing organization and buying group or GPO lawyers will enable the group to assert defenses available to such claims with result that they can be drastically reduced in settlement or even eliminated altogether.

Colorado GPO Lawyers, and GPO Law Firms Serving Lakewood Colorado GPO’s, and General Contract Law

With millions and possibly billions of dollars flowing through a group purchasing organization and buying group, it is important that the group’s contracts with its suppliers and members be tightly drawn and enforceable.  The ability to spot and address the nuances peculiar to group purchasing organization and buying group, marketing group and GPO contractual relationships comes with deep experience of buying group lawyers.  Such experience is gained over the years as new and unique situations are encountered and handled.  It is very common for a legal solution (or contractual provision) found to work well for one buying group to also be helpful for an unrelated buying group or GPO represented by the same lawyers and counsel. 

While many business lawyers are very well versed in one or more of the areas discussed above, very few have experience in all these areas of concentration.   It is true that many law firms have great expertise in all these areas, but most lack attorneys and lawyers who are well acquainted in all these areas insofar as they pertain to group purchasing organizations and buying groups, so true GPO lawyers and attorneys. Accordingly, making the right choice in the selection of your group purchasing organization and group purchasing organization and buying group or GPO lawyer can benefit the group for years to come. 

In Lakewood Colorado, When it Comes to Legal Representation for Your GPO Count on the Group Purchasing and GPO Law Firm, and its GPO Lawyers Other Groups Have Counted on Since 1985

If your group purchasing organization and buying group or GPO is in Lakewood Colorado and looking for a lawyer or law firm to represent your group, than strong consideration for Ray Law Firm and its experienced group purchasing organization and buying group and GPO lawyers should be made as we have served group purchasing organizations and buying groups, marketing groups and GPOs in various locations throughout the United States as well as internationally since 1985.  We understand how each of these areas of the law impacts buying groups and GPOs specifically.  We are well equipped to guide founders, and board members in making the right choices in setting up their group and in dealing with the myriad of legal issues they are likely to encounter over the future years of operation. If you are looking for a GPO law firm with competent lawyers to provide effective legal counsel for your buying group or GPO, feel free to contact us at 423-693-0160 with any specific issues or questions you may have.